Veoveoana sika deer park
Veoveoana sika deer park
2019年開幕的「逐鹿傳說梅花鹿園」,是阿里山旅遊非來不可的著名 親子景點。可以帶小朋友親自餵食可愛的梅花鹿,還有原住民傳統弓射箭 ,品嚐道地的鄒式圓盤烤肉。 園區還包括部落創意冰飲、 鄒族手工藝精品店、與阿里山農 特產品店。是最適合全年齡層的 複合式休閒體驗鹿園。 全園區每週二公休,鹿園每 日整點進場,為維護生態需限制 餵食人數,中午12點至1點為鹿 隻反哺時間,暫停開放。
The “Veoveoana Sika Deer Park” opened in 2019 is a must-visit famous attraction in Alishan.
Family attraction. You can take your children to feed the cute sika deer, practice traditional aboriginal bow and arrow shooting, and taste the authentic Tsou-style disc barbecue.
The park also includes tribal creative ice drinks, Tsou handicraft boutiques, and Alishan agricultural specialty products stores. It is the most comprehensive leisure experience deer park suitable for all ages.
The entire park is closed every Tuesday, and the deer park is open on the hour every day. To maintain the ecology, the number of people feeding must be limited. From 12 noon to 1 o’clock, it is the deer feeding time and is closed.
Pesonu cold
drink bar
Totxsx archery
Princess house
Fawn in the flowers
farm store
Veoveoana totxsx
archery range
Cultural and creative park