paengonu 背籮

paengonu 背籮











昔日用以裝運小米或陸稻,今常用以裝竹筍(浦忠成等,1997: 48、127)





現在的背簍大致已改用尼隆繩,因取得容易,又材料堅硬(浦忠成等,1997: 48、127)


文化意義:鄒族有錐形和方形籐背,用來背負重物。惟方形背簍可以裝入比較大件的物品,昔日用以裝運小米或陸稻,今常用以裝竹筍。背帶繞在頭上,重物則馱負在背部,這是鄒族負重常用的方式之一。現在的背簍大致已改用尼隆繩,一來取得容易,二來材料堅硬(浦忠成等,1997: 48、127)

”paengonu” basket

Main material: bamboo and rattan

Color: reddish brown

Shape: square cylinder

Decoration: none

Function: Carrying heavy objects

Shape/feature description: Rattan is used as the upper edge and cage frame, and rattan skin is used to weave the cage body with a herringbone pattern. The body is square, with a rattan strap attached to two rattan buttons on one side, and a rattan strap on the other side. There is a button protruding from the center of each side and the opposite side.

User: Both men and women can

How to use/when to use: The strap is wrapped around the head, and the heavy object is carried on the back.


However, square panniers can hold larger items

In the past, it was used to transport millet or upland rice, but now it is often used to transport bamboo shoots (Pu Zhongcheng et al., 1997: 48, 127)


Production Technology: Ed.

Style characteristics: Tsou people have tapered and square rattan backs, which are used to carry heavy objects. However, square baskets can be used to carry relatively large items. In the past, they were used to transport millet or upland rice, but today they are often used to transport bamboo shoots.


Today’s backpacks have mostly been made of nylon rope because it is easy to obtain and the material is hard (Pu Zhongcheng et al., 1997: 48, 127)


Cultural significance: The Tsou people have tapered and square rattan backs, which are used to carry heavy objects. However, square baskets can be used to carry relatively large items. In the past, they were used to transport millet or upland rice, but today they are often used to transport bamboo shoots. The strap is wrapped around the head and the heavy object is carried on the back. This is one of the common ways for the Tsou people to carry weight. Today’s backpacks are mostly made of nylon rope, which is easy to obtain and the material is hard (Ura Zhongcheng et al., 1997: 48, 127)



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