yʉtngotngo 弓琴


yʉtngotngo 弓琴







型制/特徵描述:一根彎曲竹蔑由兩端繫一條鐵線組成。使用方法/時機:將玉蜀黍等類物粒挾在一端,且口銜弓的另一端,用手彈弦,使之振動,奏出聲音(湯淺浩史,2000: 205)。



文化意義:弓形的弓琴是在桂竹上張苧麻弦,將玉蜀黍等類物粒挾在一端,且口銜弓的另一端,用手彈弦,使之振動,奏出聲音(湯淺浩史,2000: 205)。

”yʉtngotngo”  bow harp


Main materials: bamboo chips, iron wire

Color: Bamboo original color

Shape: arc

Decoration: none

Function: musical instrument

Shape/feature description: A curved bamboo pole is composed of an iron wire tied to both ends. Usage method/timing: Hold corn and other particles at one end, hold the other end of the bow in your mouth, and strum the string with your hands to make it vibrate and make a sound (Yuasa Hiroshi, 2000: 205).

Production technology: chopping

Style features: The body of the instrument is like a bow.

Cultural significance: The bow-shaped bow harp is made by stretching a ramie string on a osmanthus bamboo, holding corn and other grains at one end, holding the other end of the bow in your mouth, and strumming the string with your hands to make it vibrate and produce a sound (Yu Asa Hiroshi, 2000:205).



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