仙丹花 Ixoro chinensis

仙丹花 Ixoro chinensis

仙丹花(學名:Ixora chinensis)又稱為山丹花

其他還有紅繡球、買子木、賣子木、三段花等別名,英文名稱為Chinese ixora。




形態 :





引用資料 : https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%E4%BB%99%E4%B8%B9%E8%8A%B1


Ixoro chinensis

Ixora chinensis (scientific name: Ixora chinensis) is also called mountain dandelion.

There are other aliases such as red hydrangea, maizimu, maizimu, and three-stage flower. The English name is Chinese ixora.

It is an evergreen shrub native to southern China and Malaysia. Most of the common flowers are orange-red.

It is one of the “Three Famous Flowers of Okinawa” and the city flower of Uruma City, Okinawa Prefecture.



The lateral branches of the whole plant of Ixora grow straight upward and are smooth. The leaves are smooth and leathery on the opposite surface, and the edges are entire and obovate or oval in shape. Generally, the length is about 9cm-12cm, and the width is about 4cm-5cm. The surface is dark green and the back is lighter. The leaves of Ixora are stipulated in a triangular or oblong shape, with obvious veins on the surface. The first leaf emergence period is between March and June every year, and the second time is around August to early October.


As for the elixir, although it also has 20-30 small flowers growing together, most of them are semicircular in shape, and the petals are relatively pointed and long. In Okinawa, Japan, this flower blooms three times a year, and the pedicels are in three overlapping sections, so it is also known as the “three-section flower”.

The flowering period of elixir is very long. Generally speaking, it can be seen blooming from late April to late January of the following year. The peak flowering period is from mid-May to late November. There are also spherical berries that will grow, but most of them usually do not bear fruit, so it is rare to see fruiting elixirs.

Citation information: https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%E4%BB%99%E4%B8%B9%E8%8A%B1

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