楓香 Formosan Sweet Gum

楓香 Formosan Sweet Gum

分佈:台灣盛產於平地至海拔 2,000 公尺地區,極為普遍,尤以中部山區如埔里至霧社間往往成純林相。


    1. 樹幹挺直、樹形挺偉優雅,為優美的園藝樹、行道樹和高級盆景。
    2. 樹枝受傷後流出的樹脂稱「楓香」或「楓香脂」,可做口香糖的原料,亦可入藥。
    3. 樹葉可飼天蠶蛾幼蟲。
    4. 木材淡紅黃白色,年輪明顯,耐朽力強,可供建築房屋的樑柱,箱板材及一般農具及小型家具用材,或香菇之段木,亦可切碎當作培育其他蕈類的太空包;為闊葉二級木。

特性:屬於金縷梅科落葉喬木,葉互生,蒴果刺球狀,有別於槭樹之對生葉及翅形果。台灣地處亞熱帶,秋季落葉前平地氣溫仍高,楓葉不易轉紅,俟第一次寒流來襲時, 因氣急驟下降,葉綠素尚來不及轉化為葉黃素和葉紅素,樹體已迅即分泌離層酸, 促使樹葉掉落,所以台灣平地不容易見到楓紅落葉飄零的景象。果實為圓球形的多花聚合果,成熟後會垂直地墜落下來。由於果實掉落地上時種子常已飛散,使整個果實呈現許多小空室,所以中藥稱楓果為「路路通」。



Formosan Sweet Gum

Distribution: Taiwan is abundant in areas from flatland to 2,000 meters above sea level, and is extremely common, especially in central mountainous areas such as Puli to Wushe, where pure forests often form.


  1. The trunk is straight and the shape is tall and elegant. It is a beautiful garden tree, street tree and high-end bonsai.
  2. The resin that flows out after the branches are injured is called “liquidambar” or “liquid balsam”. It can be used as a raw material for chewing gum and can also be used as medicine.
  3. The leaves can feed the larvae of the Cecropia moth.
  4. The wood is light reddish-yellow-white, with distinct growth rings, and is highly resistant to decay. It can be used for building beams and columns of houses, box boards, general farm tools and small furniture, or for mushroom sections. It can also be chopped up and used as space for cultivating other mushrooms. Package; it is a broad-leaved secondary wood.

Characteristics: It is a deciduous tree belonging to the Hamamelidaceae family. The leaves are alternate and the capsule is spiny and spherical. It is different from the opposite leaves and wing-shaped fruits of the maple tree. Taiwan is located in the subtropics. The temperature on the plains is still high before the leaves fall in autumn, and maple leaves are not easy to turn red. When the first cold wave hits, due to the sudden drop in air, chlorophyll has not had time to be converted into lutein and chlorophyll, and the tree body has quickly secreted abscission acid. It causes the leaves to fall, so it is not easy to see the red maple leaves falling on the plains of Taiwan. The fruit is a spherical multi-flowered fruit that will fall vertically when mature. Because the seeds often scatter when the fruit falls to the ground, leaving many small empty cells throughout the fruit, the maple fruit is called “passe-through” in traditional Chinese medicine.

Citation information: https://www.maolin-nsa.gov.tw/04008958.html

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